VTC Enerji


Active Energy

It refers to the energy drawn from the electricity grid and transformed into physical work.

ACRS (Automatic Counter Reading System)

It is the technology of automatically collecting consumption, diagnosis and status data from energy measuring devices and transferring this data to a central database for billing, troubleshooting and analysis.


Block Offer/Bid

They refer to active electricity energy purchase and sales offers that are valid for more than one consecutive hour in the energy markets and include average price and quantity information for the time period covered.


It refers to the activities carried out in order to balance the supply and demand of electrical energy.

Balancing Mechanism

It refers to activities that are complementary to bilateral agreements and consist of day ahead balancing and real-time balancing.

Balance Responsible Group

It refers to the group that the market participants have formed by notifying the Market Operator and that a market participant within the group has undertaken the obligations regarding the responsibility for balance on behalf of the group.

Bilateral Agreement

It refers to the commercial agreements made between natural or legal persons and licensee legal persons or between licensee legal persons for the purchase and sale of electricity subject to the provisions of private law.


Carbon Trading

It is based on the certification of a market-based vehicle and greenhouse gas emissions reduced by countries and the purchase and sale of these certificates in the markets. It is called carbon trade due to the high carbon dioxide ratio in greenhouse gases.


It refers to the system where electrical energy and thermal energy are produced together.


Distributed Energy

It refers to a form of production that operates independently or connected to the distribution line close to the consumer at low or medium voltage level.

Distribution Fee

It refers to the usage fee of the network that starts with the exit of the energy from the production facilities and reaches the consumption point.

Distribution Region

It refers to a region defined in the distribution license determined by the Electricity Market Legislation.

Delivery – Withdrawal Amount based on Settlement

It refers to the units that generate or consume active electrical energy that are defined by market participants and registered through the market management system in order to make settlement calculations for each market participant.

Demand Forecast

It refers to the hourly consumption forecasts announced by the operator using the system on a daily basis from their websites.


EIC (Etso) Code

It refers to the energy identification code. EIC codes are counter specific. A code can only be expressed for one counter.

Energy Manager

It refers to the person responsible for fulfilling the duties related to energy management in buildings and industrial enterprises. They deal with the management, administration and enterprise of energy-consuming systems.


It refers to Energy Market Regulatory Authority, an enterprise that aims to ensure that electricity, natural gas, oil and LPG are of optimum price and quality.

Energy Markets

It refers to Enerji Piyasaları İşletme Anonim Şirketi (Energy Markets Operation Incorporation). It carries out the activities of operation of energy markets, realization of settlement transactions and preparation of receivable-debt notifications to market participants.

Electricity Balancing Market

It refers to an organized wholesale electricity market operated by the system operator where the purchase and sale of the spare capacity obtained with the output power change that can be realized within 15 minutes is realized in order to serve the purpose of balancing the supply and demand in real time.


Day Ahead Balancing

It refers to the transactions performed in the Day Ahead Market.

Day Ahead Price

It refers to the final market clearing prices determined within the scope of day ahead planning.

Day Ahead Market (DAM)

It refers to the market used for electricity trade and balancing one day before the physical delivery of electricity.

Day Ahead Production / Consumption Program (DAPCP)

It refers to the production / consumption programs created based on estimates one day before the physical delivery of electricity.

I - İ

I-REC Certification

It refers to the certificate certifying that electricity is produced with renewable energy.

ISO 50001 Certificate

It refers to the certification which ensures the establishment of energy management system, energy saving, reduction of energy expenses and processes and systems that promote environmental awareness within the framework of the standards determined by energy experts.

Intraday Market (IDM)

It refers to the market where capacities that cannot be evaluated in the day ahead market can be evaluated simultaneously.


Market Participant

It refers to the licensed legal entities in the market for the purpose of energy trading.

Market Management System

It refers to the applications made available to the legal entities responsible for the market operator, system operator, market participants and the reading of counters for the purpose of carrying out the balancing mechanism and settlement transactions.


It refers to the Market Clearing Price, which is the price that occurs at the point where the supply and demand match in the bids submitted to EPİAŞ in the Day Ahead Market.


Reactive Cost

It refers to useless lost energy. Reactive cost is calculated by the ratio of reactive energy to active energy.


It refers to the price of the Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism in the relevant month reflected in the market as unit cost

Real-Time Balancing

It refers to the balancing transactions performed in the intraday market. Balancing can be done up to 1 hour before the physical delivery of the electricity.



It refers to the calculation of receivables and payables arising from day ahead market, intraday market, balancing power market and energy imbalance.

Settlement Period

It refers to the time periods taken as basis for reconciliation transactions. The relevant settlement period is mainly based on the production and consumption data 1 month before.


It refers to the price of the bid corresponding to the net order volume in the Power Market.


It refers to the legal entities, which are the licensees responsible for the delivery of electricity to the end consumer.


Turkish Electricity Distribution Corporation

It refers to Türkiye Elektrik Dağıtım Anonim Şirketi (Turkey Electricity Distribution Incorporation). It is an economic state enterprise responsible for the distribution and retail sale of electricity in Turkey.


It refers to Türkiye Elektrik İletim Anonim Şirketi (Turkey Electrictiy Transmission Incorporation). It is responsible for the transmission activity and the distribution of the generated electricity to the consumer and its transfer to the distribution network in Turkey.


It refers to the Tons of Oil Equivalent, a term to express the energy resources in a single unit. The equivalent is 10 million kcal.



YAL refers that there is an energy deficit in the system, that is, the supply does not meet the demand.


YAT refers that there is a surplus of energy in the system, that is, the supply is more than the demand.


Waste Heat

It refers to the electrical energy obtained from the multiplication of the current active power with time.
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