V-Gen is a digital energy management platform that works integrated with all tools of the energy market. Working with the seamless integration of algorithms, V-Gen compares generation costs with market clearing prices in the DAM and automatically provides electricity generating facilities with a daily generation-consumption plan, which reduces energy costs up to 20%.
V-Market, energy trading management software, seamlessly integrates participants in energy markets with the market operator’s offerings, facilitating digital transactions across day-ahead, intraday, and ancillary services markets. It provides your energy trading transactions via EPEX and Nordpool with maximum efficiency and different offer breakdowns. With real-time integrations, web-based accessibility, and cost-effective installation, V-Market offers a fast, error-free, and centralized solution for energy market participants.
V-Sensor is an IIoT software that accelerates the digital transformation of industrial enterprises and energy production facilities. Thanks to the special measurement devices developed, it is easy to track instant data on energy consumption and production. This cloud-based software supports OPC UA and Modbus protocols, enabling industry-standard data reading.
V-Forecast is a software solution for electricity consumption forecasting. The product has self-learning and self-calibrating capabilities. In order to forecast with the method with the lowest error rate, the method with the highest accuracy rate is automatically selected from over ten artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistical models and the best method selection is repeated periodically.
Elektrik Bakım Müdürü/Enerji Yöneticisi
Mesut EFE
Elektronik Bakım Şefi